Click here for the English translated version of this Client Service Agreement.
1. We are pleased to assist you. This is our Client Service Agreement and is the basis for us agreeing to provide professional legal services. Please read this document carefully.
2. “CR Law” or “We” means the law partnership trading as CR Law and as Cooper Rapley and includes partners, employed lawyers and staff.
“CR LAW”或“我们”是指名为CR Law或Cooper Rapley的律师合作企业,包括其合伙人、聘用的律师和员工。
3. CR Law’s first duty is to uphold the rule of law. Our lawyers owe overriding duties to New Zealand Courts.
CR Law律师事务所的第一职责是秉持法律的规则。我们的律师对新西兰法庭拥有高于一切的职责。
4. CR Law promises you to:
CR Law律师事务所向您承诺:
• act competently, in a timely way, and in accordance with instructions received and arrangements made;
• protect and promote your interests and act for you free from compromising influences or loyalties;
• discuss with you your objectives and how they can best be achieved;
• provide you with information about the work to be done, who will do it and the way the services will be provided;
• charge you a fee that is fair and reasonable and let you know how and when you will be billed;
• give you clear information and advice;
• protect your privacy and ensure appropriate confidentiality;
• treat you fairly, respectfully and without discrimination;
• keep you informed about the work being done and advise you when it is completed; and
• let you know how to make a complaint and deal with any complaint promptly and fairly.
5. CR Law is not qualified to give you investment advice. You should get that advice from a qualified financial advisor. Whether or not a transaction meets your financial objectives or not is a matter for you to decide and CR Law does not offer advice on the financial wisdom of a transaction or whether it meets your financial objectives. Unless tax advice is expressly offered any tax implications of any transaction must be determined by you in consultation with your accountant.
CR Law律师事务所没有资格向您提供投资建议。您应该找有资格的财务顾问去咨询。交易能否达到您的经济目标由您自己来判断决定,CR Law律师事务所不会对交易是否明智或是否能达到您的经济目标提出意见。除非有清晰的税务意见,否则您需要和您的会计磋商后对交易
6. CR Law has procedures in place to identify and respond to conflicts of interest. If a conflict of interest arises we will advise you of this and follow the requirements and procedures set out in the Law Society’s Rules of Conduct and Client Care for Lawyers.
CR Law律师事务所对利益冲突的鉴定和反应有专门的程序。如果出现利益冲突,我们会通知您,并按照律师协会的要求和程序原则来处理。
7. CR Law holds professional indemnity insurance that meets or exceeds the minimum standards specified by the New Zealand Law Society under the Lawyers and Conveyancers Act (Conveyancers Registration and Practice) Regulations 2008.
CR Law律师事务所拥有等于或超过律师协会按照2008律师从业条例要求制定的最低标准的专业责任保险。
8. CR Law maintains a procedure for handling any complaints by clients, designed to ensure that a complaint is dealt with promptly and fairly.
CR Law律师事务所有处理客户任何投诉的程序,旨在确保及时和公正地处理投诉。
If you have a complaint about our services or charges, you may refer your complaint to the person in our firm who has overall responsibility for your work.
If you do not wish to refer your complaint to that person, or you are not satisfied with that person’s response to your complaint, you may refer your complaint to the Practice Manager. The Practice Manager may be contacted as follows:
• By letter;
• By email at;
• By telephoning at (06) 353 5210.
打电话至(06) 353 5210.
The Law Society also maintains a complaints service and you are able to make a complaint to that service. To do so you should contact the Law Society.
Phone: 0800 261 801
9. CR Law will charge fair and reasonable fee calculated based on a range of factors approved by the New Zealand Law Society. These factors are:
CR Law律师事务所根据新西兰律师协会认可的以下一系列因素来计算公平合理的收费:
• The time and labour expended;
• The skill, specialised knowledge and responsibility required;
• The importance of the matter and the result achieved;
• The urgency;
• The complexity or novelty of the questions involved;
• The experience, reputation and ability of the lawyer requested by the client;
• The reasonable costs of running a practice; and
• The fee customarily charged in the locality for a similar level of service.
All these factors will be considered in setting a fair and reasonable fee for our legal services. In relation to the first factor, time will be recorded on a time expended basis. You are entitled to request an estimate of our fees and charge out rates. We charge an office administration fee of 5% of fees to cover office expenses.
10. In providing services we may incur disbursements or have to make payments to third parties on your behalf. Examples are Court filing fees, LandonLine charges, registration charges or accommodation and travel expenses. These will be included in our invoice to you when the expense is incurred. You authorise us to incur these disbursements without seeking your prior approval. We may require an advance payment for the disbursements or expenses which we will be incurring on your behalf.
11. Other than transactional matters where the fees and expenses are payable on settlement date, our accounts are payable within 14 days following the date of the invoice. We may require an advance payment of our anticipated fees, or to provide security for our fees and expenses. For longer term matters, interim invoices will be rendered every three months. Interest may be charged on any amount which is more than 1 month overdue. Interest will be calculated at the rate of 15% per annum calculated daily. If any account is not paid on time we may decide not to carry out further work or incur further disbursements.
If we hold your money in our trust account and we have rendered an invoice to you, you irrevocably direct that we may deduct our fees and disbursements from the money held in our trust account.
If you pay by cheque your payment is made when the cheque is cleared.
Acceptable methods of payment are:
• Direct Credit (this is the preferred method of payment);
• A cheque made out to CR Law;
支付给CR Law律师事务所的支票;
• Cash/Eftpos payments; and
• Credit cards (Master Card or Visa only are accepted).
信用卡(只接受Master Card 和Visa信用卡)
If you are in default of payment and recovery action is commenced, you will be required to pay all costs and expenses if recovery action is necessary to recover from you, any overdue amount.
12. GST is payable by you on our fees and charges including late payment interest.
13. CR Law’s liability to you is limited.
CR Law律师事务所对您的职责是有限的。
14. CR Law is not liable to you for any loss whatever or however it arises from investment losses.
CR Law律师事务所对您因投资损失而引起的任何损失不负任何责任。
15. CR Law is not liable to you for any claim whatever and however caused if you do not notify us of a potential claim within 12 months of you becoming aware of the circumstances giving rise to the claim.
如果您在发觉可能会引发索赔的事情出现后没有在12个月内通知我们,无论何种索赔,CR Law 律师事务所将不负任何责任。
16. CR Law is not liable for any loss, expenses, costs or damages whatever and however it arises for any act or omission in relation to any matter conducted on your behalf, or otherwise for an amount exceeding $1,000,000, or the sum specified in the scale below, whichever is the lesser:
CR Law律师事务所对超过$1,000,000纽币的因代表您处理任何事情的作为或不作为而导致的损失、支出、成本或损坏不负任何责任,不论是由于疏忽、轻率或者律师互保基金中包含的其他作为或不作为。或者下面规定的范围,以金额少者为准:
(a) $300,000, if the total fee charged for the matter is equal to or less than $5,000: or
$300,000纽币, 如果业务的全部收费等于或少于$5,000纽币。或
(b) $400,000, if the total fee charged for the matter is greater than $5,000, and less than or equal to $30,000.
$400,000纽币, 如果业务的全部收费多于$5,000纽币且等于说少于$30,000纽币。
17. All claims arising from the same act or omission must be treated as a single claim to which the limitation sum applies and must in no circumstances whatever and however exceed CR Law’s insurance cover.
对同一个作为或不作为而产生的所有主张被视为是单一主张,并适用于上述限额,并且不论在何种情况下都不能超过CR Law律师事务所的保险金额。
18. If you make a claim in any jurisdiction that exceeds the limitation amount in this clause or outside the time limits in this clause, then you must pay CR Law’s or any present or past partner’s actual and reasonable legal costs in defending that claim whether or not the final outcome results in an award less than the limitation sum.
如果您主张和要求超出本条款限额或时间限制,那么不论最终审定结果是否低于限额,您都必须支付CR Law律师事务所为应对您的主张和要求而产生的实际及合理的诉讼成本。
19. The Lawyers’ Fidelity Fund administered by the New Zealand Law Society gives you some protection against theft of your money, up to NZ$100,000.00, if it is held by us, in our Trust Account or (subject to the qualification below) in an interest bearing deposit account (either on call or for a fixed term). That protection will not apply where you have instructed us to invest your money in an investment that is excluded from cover by the Lawyers’ Fidelity Fund (such as the purchase of shares on a stock exchange, the deposit of funds for investment purposes or the purchase of an annuity).
20. CR Law may suspend (temporarily stop) work on your file if you have not:
CR Law律师事务所将暂停(临时停止)对您案件的工作,如果您没有:
• Paid our invoices on time;
• Given us information that we have asked for; and
• Done something that we have asked you to do.
21. Although you may expect to be reimbursed by a third party for our fees and expenses, and although our invoices may at your request or with your approval be directed to a third party, nevertheless you remain responsible for payment to us if the third party fails to pay us.
22. You authorise us (without further reference to you) to destroy all files and documents for this matter (other than any documents that we hold in safe custody for you) seven (7) years after our engagement ends or earlier if we have converted those files and documents to an electronic format. At our option instead of storing information we may return it to you.
23. These terms apply to any current service and also to any future service CR Law provides you.
这些标准条款适用于CR Law律师事务所提供给您的任何现有服务,同样也适用于任何将要发生的服务。
24. Provision of good legal advice is based on good communication. Good communication is our joint obligation. You will:
(a) clearly identify the issues, concerns and objectives you have;
(b) provide us with timely instructions;
(c) not withhold information that may affect the advice we may give;
(d) be available to respond to queries; and
(e) co-operate in any procedures required to be completed under New Zealand law.
*If there is any inconsistency or ambiguity between the English version and the Chinese translation of this document, the English version shall prevail.